My religious walk with Christ has been very rocky and the thoughts I would dwell into would destory any faith I would have, and in doing so (being brought up to believe in such things), it was shaking the boat I had sailed on my entire life. Basically then leading to questioning my very existence and my moral/belief system and literally my hope in life in general. I would chip away so much at my faith, which is so very important to me at my core essence, that I just would not know what I was, what I was doing here and if it all even mattered anyway.
I was denying God and Christ before my own self. The image coordinates with what I would imagine my fate and judgement being if I continued to chew away at everything I believed in to try and understand every crack, every small piece. Which I just cannot do, no human can. Faith is exactly the word that it is. Faith. And that is how it is supposed to work. I do beleive I should understand why I believe what I do, but I have come to realize that I should'nt negativlty try to pry everything into proven fact."
Thanks William Pansky!
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